Sales Opportunity

Sales Opportunity is a module for managing the process of acquiring and negotiations of sales contracts, starting from first contact. It helps you gathering all information in one place, together with history of related events, e-mails and notes.

Sales Opportunity Features

  • List of Sales Opportunities - with information on opportunity manager, customers, assigned employees, etc.
  • Status options - new, prospecting, evaluation, negotiations, contract won or contract lost
  • Lead source options - website, e-mail, referral, advert, other
  • Other important information - dates of start, end and next follow-up, probability, contract amount
  • Full changes history - allowing you to track, for example, changes in probability on different stages of negotiations
  • CRM integration - contacts, companies, meetings, tasks, phonecalls
  • Full event history - a list of all events (meetings, tasks, phonecalls) related with the opportunity
  • Report - sales opportunities by salesman, with number and amount of bids compared to contracts won, with numerical and graphic representation


Modules required


Commercial Epesi License for Premium modules
MIT license for Epesi Core and CRM

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