Inventory Management (Warehouse)

Inventory Management (in its early versions named Warehouse) is used for managing items and services, warehouses, sales and other transactions. It is invaluable in any kind of business that deals with commerce or services. It can be used to record transactions and stocks, print invoices and generate various reports. Accounting Bundle module is required for effective work of Inventory Management module.

Warehouse Features

  • Items list - types: inventory, non-inventory, serialized, service
  • Item categories - with tree structure
  • Transactions - types: purchase, sales quote, sale, inventory adjustment, warehouse transfer, check-in, check-out
  • Multiple warehouses
  • Multiple currencies and tax rates
  • Integration with CRM - contacts and companies
  • Based on EPESI Record Browser - that means favorites/watched, filters and sorting, and all other benefits of RB
  • Reports - sales by item, transaction, warehouse or employee, stock value by warehouse
  • Invoice printing - optional, not installed by default
  • Webcam photos - optional, not installed by default
  • Dashboard applets - for active orders and items not yet sold

Screenshots: Inventory Management overview

Browsing items Item details Item categories Browsing transactions Transaction details Invoice for transaction in pdf format Transaction items - quick preview Transaction history for item Browsing warehouses Warehouse details

Screenshots: Inventory Management reports

Employee sales Employee sales chart Sales by item Sales by transaction Sales by warehouse Sales by warehouse chart Stock value by warehouse

Modules required


Commercial Epesi License for Premium modules
MIT license for Epesi Core and CRM

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